
Easy detox drinks in two steps

detox smoothie recipe
I make healthy and easy detox drinks on a daily basis. Detox drinks nourish you with vitamins and minerals, and help alkalize the body. The bonus is clearer skin, sustained energy, and maintaining a balanced weight. 
How do you make a detox drink? Simple! A green powder supplement + water. 
Below are some of my absolute favorite green powders to add into my water. In order to make these more low gi-friendly, mix in 1 tbs of chia seeds!

E3 live, my go-to for detox drinks

This super green is amazing. E3Live is 100% blue-green algae and considered to be nature's most beneficial superfood. 
I recommend the fresh-frozen form of E3 Live, but they also offer the powdered version. 
Key benefits: Long lasting energy, digestive support, immune system support, healthier hair, skin, and nails, alkalizing.
Another fantastic product by E3 Live product is Blue Majik. Blue Majik is a proprietary, chemical free extract of Spirulina. It’s a beautiful blue detox drink you have everyday.
Key benefits: Antioxidants, nutrient dense, healthy support of joints, anti-inflammatory, healthier hair, skin, and nails, alkalizing.

Easy detox drinks made with Matcha

Rishi matcha is organic, convenient, and good quality. 
About Rishi: We are a Direct Trade importer of organic teas and botanicals from the very best sources. Our Direct Trade is founded upon long-standing, personal relationships with growers who cultivate ecologically sustainable gardens in remote locations around the world.
Key benefits: It’s high in antioxidants, supports natural detoxification in the body, and boosts metabolism which burns calories.
The matcha by Rishi is loose leaf and organic. 

Making detox drinks using Amazing Grass

One of my essential daily detox drinks is by Amazing Grass. Everyday I prepare a green drink made with Amazing Grass for my partner and I. It’s made with 7 alkalizing greens, and more than 3 servings of greens, fruits and veggies. 
Amazing Grass Green Superfood Energy is packed with so many super greens like Spirulina, Alfalfa, and Wheat grass. 
Key benefits: Supports healthy digestion, detox, increased energy, and helps alkalize the body.
It’s simple to add detox drinks into your daily health routine. They are all conveniently packed allowing you to have wellness everywhere, and any time. The above superfood powders are the perfect go-to’s whenever you feel like you need to reset your diet.  

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