
The glycemic index list of foods (with GI chart!)

low glycemic diet
The Glycemic Index List of Foods

The glycemic index chart shows ranked foods based on how quickly they raise blood sugar after eating. This ranking system was developed by Dr. David Jenkins in 1980. In this article, I'll break down the glycemic index list of foods to outline what foods fall under which category and answer questions like, "what is the glycemic index of a banana"?

One important thing to keep in mind as you learn glycemic index chart and follow a low glycemic diet, is that you don't really have to consult the glycemic index each time you are choosing foods to eat.

To get the full benefits of low glycemic eating, you need to ensure you're pairing all carbs with a healthy fat and healthy protein.

The glycemic index of foods simply lets you know the value, but it's impact on blood sugar will change depending on what else you eat the food with and how it's cooked. A low glycemic diet is flexible, and I like to think of it as a game of mix & match! 

What is the Glycemic Index?

The GI measures the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates are divided into two groups: simple and complex.

  • Simple carbs, such as those found in fruit, milk, and white bread, break down easily into sugars.
  • Complex carbs, such as those in whole grains, beans, and brown rice, take longer to digest and release energy.

Why should I care about the glycemic index? 

It's hard to think of a biomarker that is more important to longevity than blood sugar. High blood sugar is associated with pre-diabetes, diabetes, and a number of other chronic conditions like PCOS, menopause, and insulin resistance.

High blood sugar affects the health of so many of us. About 13 percent of adults in the United States live with diabetes and 34.5 percent have pre-diabetes. This is close to 50 percent. 

Luckily, incorporating low glycemic or blood sugar friendly foods into your diet is not difficult, and this article covers the glycemic index list of foods to help educate you and get you going in the right direction. Keep reading to see our complete glycemic index chart.

"For people who are struggling to manage their weight, or their blood sugar levels, eating foods that have a low glycemic index is especially important, but choosing low glycemic foods is generally a good idea for all of us."   — Maya Adam, MD.  Lecturer, Stanford School of Medicine


Which carbohydrates are high on the glycemic index? (High GI)

So, let's get to it. There are two main categories of foods based on their GI values: low GI and high GI.

Low GI foods are those that have a GI value below 55. These foods tend to take longer to digest and release energy into the bloodstream. They also provide a steady stream of energy throughout the day.

High GI foods have a GI value above 70. These foods cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels after eating, so the body needs to spend extra energy processing them.

If you eat a lot of high-glycemic foods, you might find yourself feeling tired, irritable, bloated, or even gaining weight. In fact, research shows that people who consume a diet with a high GI tend to gain more weight than those who eat a lower-GI diet.

Here's a list of foods high on glycemic index as well as their GI value (56+) — Glycemic Index Chart

Cereals, Breads, Grains

  • White bread (70)
  • Bagel (72)
  • Corn tortilla (70)
  • Whole wheat bread (69)
  • Croissant (67)
  • Rye bread (65)
  • White rice (68)
  • Instant rice (91)
  • Old-fashioned oats (59)
  • Quick-cook oats (66)
  • Graham cracker (74)
  • Taco shell (68)
  • Whole wheat pita (57)



Fruits and Veggies

  • Watermelon (72)
  • Carrot (71)
  • Pumpkin (75)
  • Baked potato (85)
  • Corn (59)
  • Beet (64)
  • Parsnip (97)
  • Pineapple (66)
  • Raisins (64)

Snacks and other

  • Rice cake (82)
  • Tortilla Chips (74)
  • Pretzel (83)
  • Corn chips (72)

Wait, whole wheat bread and white bread are both high GI?

As you can see from the list of high glycemic index foods above, white bread and whole wheat bread are both high on the list.

That said, whole wheat and whole grain bread are a better option as they contain more nutrition and a lot more fiber, which again, keeps you fuller longer and slows down the digestion process.

Which carbohydrates have low glycemic index values? (Low GI)

Low-Glycemic Carbs (LGC) are carbohydrates that break down slowly in our bodies, which helps us feel full for longer periods of time. LGC also cause less spikes in blood sugar levels, which means that they won’t give you an energy crash later on.

A diet rich in whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other low GI foods will help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.

Here's a list of foods low on glycemic index as well as their GI value (55 and under) — Glycemic Index Chart


Cereals, Breads, Grains

  • Brown rice (55)
  • Whole grain spaghetti (37)
  • Parboiled rice (47)
  • Pumpernickel bread (4)
  • All-bran (42)
  • Bulgur (48)
  • Pearled barley (26)
  • Linguine (46)
  • Durum spaghetti (55)



Fruits and Veggies

  • Bananas (53)
  • Apple (36)
  • Blueberries (30)
  • Cherries  (22)
  • Sweet potato (54)
  • Tomato (38)
  • Kiwi (52)
  • Orange (43)
  • Strawberries (32)
  • Pear (36)
  • Peach (28)
  • Yam (51)


Snacks and other

  • Popcorn (55)
  • Chocolate (49)
  • Peanuts (14)

Why choose low glycemic for weight loss?

There are a few really good reasons this is a highly recommended diet by doctors. What going low GI can do for you:

  • Prevent or reverse Pre-Diabates and Diabetes
  • Improve symptoms related to PCOS, Menopause, and Insulin Resistance
  • Curb late-night snacking and sugar cravings
  • Kickstart stubborn weight loss
  • Balance your hormones
  • Train your body to release fat instead of store it
  • Get motivated to make a change for good
  • Keep your blood sugar balanced and feel 10x better in your body

To reduce cravings, keep you full longer, and keep blood sugar stable.

A study published in the journal Diabetes Care found that people who ate a diet rich in low GI foods lost weight faster than those who followed a higher GI diet. This is because low GI foods cause less of an insulin response, which helps control appetite and cravings.

It's simple and smart
When you finally learn what to eat, when to eat, and why to eat, you'll be able to make smart choices no matter where you are—dining out at a restaurant or eating at home. 

It's sustainable and lifelong
The low glycemic diet is a super simple and doable diet to follow for the rest of your life. So much so that it's not just a diet, it becomes a lifestyle. It simply becomes your way of eating. 

Ready for the next step?
If you're ready for the next step in your weight loss and health journey, Well + Easy offers a sustainable and practical approach to the low glycemic diet, get started with our free 5-day low GI meal plan!

Get results like Kerry, who followed our Low GI plan:

"I’m super excited this week because I stepped on the scale and I lost a total of 6.5 lbs!!!!!!  It’s incredible!! My husband has lost 8 lbs.  I think the thing that really made a HUGE difference is that I am eating 3-5 small meals a day.  Before this I NEVER ate.  I had one meal a day and that was dinner. You helped me to realize that I need to eat to speed up my metabolism.  And it worked!!! Also, what really helped was eating a high protein breakfast as within an hour of waking up.  So all this is AMAZING!!!!!"

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a low glycemic diet?

    • A low glycemic diet focuses on consuming foods that have a low glycemic index (GI). The GI is a ranking system for carbohydrates based on their effect on blood glucose levels. Foods with a low GI are digested and absorbed at a slower rate, causing a gradual rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. This diet aims to stabilize blood sugar levels, improve overall health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

  2. How can I start a low glycemic diet?

    • To start a low glycemic diet, begin by incorporating more whole, unprocessed foods into your meals, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Replace high GI foods like white bread, rice, and sugary snacks with low GI alternatives like whole grain bread, brown rice, and oats. Reading food labels and familiarizing yourself with the GI values of foods can also help you make informed choices.

  3. Can a low glycemic diet help with weight loss?

    • Yes, a low glycemic diet can aid in weight loss. Foods with a low GI are more satisfying and can help control appetite, which may lead to reduced calorie intake. Additionally, by stabilizing blood sugar levels, a low glycemic diet can minimize cravings and overeating, supporting a healthier weight management strategy.

  4. Are all low glycemic foods healthy?

    • While many low glycemic foods are healthy and nutrient-dense, not all low GI foods are necessarily good for you. For example, some high-fat foods may have a low GI but could be high in calories and saturated fats. It's important to consider the overall nutritional profile of foods, not just their GI, when planning meals.

  5. Can I still eat high glycemic foods on a low glycemic diet?

    • Yes, you can still enjoy high glycemic foods occasionally, but it's important to balance them with low GI foods and to be mindful of portion sizes. Combining high GI foods with protein, fiber, or healthy fats can also help slow down the absorption of glucose and mitigate blood sugar spikes. This approach allows for a more flexible and sustainable way of eating that can fit into a healthy lifestyle.

Adopting a low glycemic diet involves making mindful choices about the carbohydrates you eat, focusing on whole and minimally processed foods to support stable blood sugar levels and overall health.

Trouble knowing all the food you can eat and how much? Try out the 5-day meal plan, you have nothing to lose, and so much to gain like Natalie did: 

Thank you! The prediabetic plan was so helpful! I felt full throughout the day, lighter, and more confident in my food choices. It definitely helped me mentally as well because I finally understood what it was like to really care for my body from the inside out (really cool how food choices can impact the way we think). I lost 5.5lbs in about 1 1/2 weeks (225lbs to 219.5lbs). That was a really big deal for me because I had reached a plateau for months at 225lbs. I'm working on staying consistent so I can reach my goal weight of 164lbs and learn to maintain it.Natalie

Download 5-Day Low Glycemic Meal Plan here


Did you know?

Weight loss, vitality, and easing chronic symptoms in midlife is not about food restriction, it's about blood sugar balance.

Get balanced with our free meal plan ⤵

Manage blood sugar & release the weight

Low Glycemic Diet for Healthy Weight Management

Try our 5-Day Blood Sugar Balancing Meal Plan - FREE!

“The prediabetic plan was so helpful! I lost 5.5lbs in about 1 1/2 weeks. That was a really big deal for me because I had reached a plateau for months.” -Natalie