Hey, I'm Jen! 👋
Here's the thing, there's a TON of conflicting diet advice out there surrounding chronic conditions like insulin resistance, obesity, Pre-Diabetes, Diabetes, PCOS, and menopause...
...and I actually disagree with most of it.
The truth is, after years of working with hundreds of women, you only need to know ONE thing: how blood sugar, metabolism, and hormones actually work. (that's kinda 3 things...)
This knowledge will free you. Once you know it, you can't forget it, and you can implement it for the rest of your life and have results.
I'm giving away the "secrets" so you can finally do something that works. Your health is worth it.
Here's what I cover in this session
You know, when you hit 30 and your metabolism literally stops and every bite of ice cream lands on your hips the next day. 😖 This can be reversed!
You can stop counting calories, or counting anything for that matter. I'll walk you through exactly what's happening in the body and what you should do instead.
You'll finally understand the real reason you reach for certain snacks at certain times of the day. Afternoon slumps begone!
Don't have one of these conditions but still want to benefit from going low GI? You'll choose our general Low Glycemic Plan for Weight Loss
Just add your name and best email address below to get instant access to the session.