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Hey, does any of this sound like you?

→ You're tired of bland “diet” foods

→ You're confused what to eat on a Low GI diet

→ You're sick of restrictions

→ You're close to being pre-diabetic and want to avoid it

→ You're having trouble knowing all the food you can eat and how much

→ You're recently diagnosed and you don't want to embrace the diagnosis, but reverse it

→ You're feeling down about your weight and not really sure what’s wrong. You’re eating healthy and working out, but nothings really changing… 

→ You want to lose at least another 10 lbs

→ You have a terrible sweet tooth and have a hard time sticking with a plan

→ You want to have a healthy lifestyle that you can continue on long term and not some “fad” diet

If any of this is true for you, then you are in the right place. In one year from now you can be at your best healthy weight, you can be more physically active, and you can lead a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Going low GI is the "special sauce" to releasing stubborn weight, preventing and reversing Type 2 Diabetes, and more, through stabilizing glucose levels.

And here's the truth:

Stabilizing glucose levels can be easy, come this way 👋 let me show you...

xo, Jen



A flexible and practical approach to keeping your blood sugar under control

A delightful membership to help you...

✅ Prevent or reverse Pre-Diabates and Diabetes

 ✅ Curb late-night snacking and sugar cravings

✅ Kickstart stubborn weight loss

✅ Balance your hormones

✅ Train your body to release fat instead of store it

✅ Get motivated to make a change for good

✅ Keep your blood sugar balanced and feel 10x better in your body

JOIN NOW FOR $12.40 PER MONTH (billed annually)



More than just meal plans, you get:


✅ Guided Low GI Diet Onboarding

✅ Meal Plans and Recipes

✅ Low Glycemic Cookbooks

✅ Health Classes

✅ Concern-Specific Customized Meal Plans

✅ Private Community and Support

🎁 BONUS! Printable Meal Planner

🎁 BONUS! The 28-Day Protocol Habit Tracker

🎁 BONUS! Approved Brands


6 months FREE Membership

30-Day Weight Loss Jumpstart Program ($297 value)

JOIN NOW FOR $12.40 PER MONTH (billed annually)


Retraining your body to release the weight


✅ A diet based on science and how the human body works 

✅ Nothing artificial and based on whole, real foods.

✅ Weekly meal plans, health classes, community, coaching, and more every single month

✅ Simple and tasty recipes with easy-to-find ingredients

✅ Family-friendly if you're cooking for you plus others

JOIN NOW FOR $12.40 PER MONTH (billed annually)


JOIN NOW FOR $12.40 PER MONTH (billed annually)

Success stories 

From women just like you...

"My biggest problem was knowing the right combination of foods to eat for every meal. But you are truly helping me to solve this problem. I feel blessed to have stumbled onto your program!" -Melodie

“Thank you! The prediabetic plan was so helpful! I felt full throughout the day, lighter, and more confident in my food choices. It definitely helped me mentally as well because I finally understood what it was like to really care for my body from the inside out (really cool how food choices can impact the way we think). I lost 5.5lbs in about 1 1/2 weeks (225lbs to 219.5lbs). That was a really big deal for me because I had reached a plateau for months at 225lbs. I'm working on staying consistent so I can reach my goal weight of 164lbs and learn to maintain it.” -Natalie

"I'm SO EXCITED!!!! I lost 1.8 pounds!!  I'll take it!!  I feel great and have more energy!  Love your recipes and ideas!" -Kerry

"This is so helpful, I can’t express enough how much easier it makes meal planning for us, and all the topics you post and explain are so insightful (loved the one on alcohol last week). The work you do is incredible, and is having a very big impact on us, so thank you!" -Jen

"I am so excited to learn about low glycemic foods. I have been eating this way now for a couple weeks and I don’t have crashes, I’ve even lost a pound and a half and I don’t ache from the inflammation from sugar. Plus, the cravings for all the bad sugar are so much less! I’m really enjoying learning all about this way of living and I am sharing with my sister." -Julie


"I just finished the first month of the program.  I feel so much better, with the highs and low of my blood sugar doing much better. The first two weeks I lost about 3 lbs." -Kathy

I hope you’re well!! I’m super excited this week because I stepped on the scale and I lost a total of 6.5 lbs!!!!!!  It’s incredible!! My husband has lost 8 lbs.  I think the thing that really made a HUGE difference is that I am eating 3-5 small meals a day.  Before this I NEVER ate.  I had one meal a day and that was dinner. You helped me to realize that I need to eat to speed up my metabolism.  And it worked!!! Also, what really helped was eating a high protein breakfast as within an hour of waking up.  So all this is AMAZING!!!!! -Kerry

Will you be next?

JOIN NOW FOR $12.40 PER MONTH (billed annually)